Picture it, down on the farm! Mid-morning, still in my pink nightie, cooked the potatoes and eggs while talking on the phone to a dear friend, then, making the potato salad for lunch tomorrow as friends coming in from out of town. Listening to country radio, the song Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Star is playing, I smell like onions! Door opens and hubby walks in, smelling faintly of diesel as he's been baling hay. I order him to put his shoes down, grab him and we dance and twirl around the kitchen! We're both pushing 70, so if you are young and happen to read this, don't ever let the surprises and fun go by the wayside!
He's back to baling, I'm going to get ready as we leave in an hour to take someone out to lunch, then back for a couple of hours, then off to the Fair! Destruction Derby tonight! Looking forward to friend's visit tomorrow, then off to the ballgame tomorrow night! And to cap it off, the Pro-Rodeo Saturday night!
Still no TV hookup in kitchen...just a couple of twists and turns! ;D
The picture is the "new" swather working away in the wheat field a couple of days ago.
Happy Days!
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