Monday, April 6, 2009


Before I begin to write about what is on my heart today, I just wanted to share some photos I took this afternoon in our front yard. What a beautiful blue sky day, just enough of a breeze to set the bright yellow stems of the forsythia waving to me, a myriad of little spring flowers blooming with the promise of summer, and yes, my little ducks just as happy as they can be! They are virtually happy during all four of God's seasons! The soon to be fully unfurled leaves against the blue sky is a beautiful comes and goes, the other remains constant. We know that blue sky and sun is always there, even when cloud or fog-covered!

The months of Spring have such cute little rhymes to herald them in, such as: March goes out like a lion and April comes in like a lamb! April showers bring May flowers! In the merry, merry month of May! Then June 21st will arrive and it's summer once again! The intense heat that we experience for awhile, is my least favorite time of year, but I remain a reasonably good sport and happy that others are having such a blast! Just give me air conditioning! My most favorite time of year is Fall and it includes one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving!

Since my hubby and I are using the Chronological One Year Bible for our mutual devotions this year, the reading in the Old Testament only, has invoked much thought, hence the title, "For Some, It Is Never Enough!"

The Israelites were and are, so loved and protected by God, made supernaturally wise and strong, He went before them so many times, provided them victory in countless battles, appeared to some, spoke to some, His Spirit indwelled some for specific purposes, provided them with sustenance, gave them explicit instructions with both the reward that could be received through obedience, and the consequences for turning from Him and being disobedient. Yet time and again, God's love, protection, victories and compassion, was not enough for sinful man. Time and again, they disobeyed and suffered dire consequences. They turned back and received blessings, then turned around again and received their due consequences. God's love, compassion and blessings were just not enough for the majority. The words of His prophets were not enough. Manna was not enough. Providing an escape from Egypt was not enough. The Promised Land was not enough. Nothing was.

So what does a loving Father do? He forgives yet again and continues to love. This time, the final act of love...the giving of His only begotten Son, as a gift that would continue to each generation, until God says, "Enough". Amazingly, the sacrifice of His Perfect Son is...not enough. Right at this moment, my eyes are filling with tears...I cannot believe's not enough for some! Yet I know that as long as any are breathing in and out, given continuing life, that their heart can open to their Father and receive his most marvelous gift.

If you are a believer, please recognize that each second on the clock is one second closer to Jesus' return! You need to tell people about Jesus! If you are not a believer, please recognize that each second on the clock is one second closer to you passing into eternity. That's forever! No second chances!

Have you ever read God's word? Begin with Mark or John. As you read through the New Testament, ask yourself what is on those pages that you find to be a very poor way to live and treat yourself, your family and your neighbor. If right now, you are involved in things that you enjoy, specifically those things that God condemns, know that you can still accept Christ as your Savior, and you will be amazed at how quickly your new life in Christ will willingly turn from the sin that has you in bondage! You will be free!

Jesus died that we may live. Please seek God and you will find Him. That is another promise. I am praying for YOU!

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