Aren't blogs great? I know there are some, because I've heard about them, that vent about a whole lot of things, things I would blush to read about! Those are as vile to me as I imagine what I write is vile to them!
Yesterday, I said I'd comment on the world changing God into someone comfortable for them. So many claim to believe, yet "stumble" over Jesus. Over time, and humanity becoming more "civilized", God's love, goodness and perhaps His compassion remain, however His justice, holiness and promises have become non-existent or severely blurred. God promises He will be the same today and tomorrow as He was yesterday. The issues invoved here do not need to be listed. Whether believer or not, I am sure you know what I'm referring to! I could go on and on, quoting scriptures, but if you're interested, just read for yourself. Don't let your foolish mind become your god and guide, because it WILL FAIL YOU!
Secondly today, I'd like to lovingly warn any new believers, to grow as rapidly as possible in the faith. Do not remain weak, feeding only on milk. That's your starting point, but make sure you're holding your own bottle of milk! Seek His letter (the Bible) to you, study under a mature and trusted Christian, be excited! It's life-changing! You have a huge crowd cheering for you!
Today I was listening to Christian radio on my way to a Christian gathering of women, and heard Adrian Rogers (now deceased) speaking. "I am desperate. God is dependable". Also, to "understand the discipline of detours". How many times do we say, "God, just open the doors and windows, make my path smooth, and I'll know I'm in your will". I have learned not to do that. The apostle Paul had to re-route himself more than once to journey to a place he knew he was supposed to go to. Our journey is not always easy and without bumps!
Yesterday we invited two of our 4 year old grandchildren to spend the afternoon with us. They were talking to one another and I made some silly comment, and one of them remarked, "that was a good one, grandma"! She's very astute and developing quite a sense of humor. The little guy has his moments as well. He and grandpa were writing and he marked his grandpa's hand with an ink pen. Grandpa then made 2 ink marks on the inside of his hand! He flew into a heartbroken, tearful mode and ran crying to me that grandpa wrote on his hand! VERY upset! So, I took him into the bathroom, used water and a little soap and then gasped, and said oh my look! It's disappeared, so nah, nah, nah on grandpa, it's gone! He instantly stopped crying and began laughing, running into the living room yelling ha, ha, ha's gone...look! ha, ha, ha! My mind is exhausted after a few hours, after trying to stay a step ahead of them! We love every minute, of course!
At this time, we know many, many folks who have, or are presently, suffering with cancer. A family member was diagnosed 6 1/2 years ago with breast cancer. She had surgery, chemo and radiation and remains in remission to this day. She does worry at times about it reappearing, as it did with her mom years ago. A long-time friend was diagnosed with rectal cancer about 4 years ago, is in remission, but the radiation destroyed much of her internally, leaving her with 7' of small intestine and many problems and other surgeries. More in, than out of the hospital, in the past 2+ years. Another family member is now in the hospital once again. Diagnosed 7 years ago with estrogen negative breast cancer, received treatments, did well for 2 years and the past 4 the cancer has metastisized to many other areas and the picture is very grim at this time. God's hand covers the lives of these 3 women who are all his daughters. Each has had a different outcome, but all 3 remain trusting the Lord. Their lives have touched many lives in ways none of them know. We just pray for God's peace and perfect order to hold them steadfast!
In the works: planning a grandma's getaway for 4 days and 3 nights at a lovely location! Taking our craft projects, (see one of mine in the above picture), books, whatever, and going to have devotionals, lots of snacks, prayer, laughter and maybe even a tear or two! Should be loads of fun as well as refreshing and encouraging. Will let you know the winning "grandma story"!
Have a meeting tonight, and should accomplish a couple more things here.
Next, will probably post a great recipe or two!
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