Friday, March 27, 2009


Save us, save us, the people cried! In this day, many in the population are crying out to "Caesar", the government, to save them. In studying history, I remember that the government is "of the people, by the people, for the people". People were nominated and elected, fashioned laws and passed them...all FOR the people. Yes, government has changed, but then, so have the people.

We are still known as "one nation, under God". At least in print. To be "known" as something on the outside, does not necessarily mean it's true on the inside. When a nation of people has gone corrupt, accepting many ungodly thoughts and actions as acceptable, and then whine and complain about a corrupt government, it stops me in my tracks! What an outcry to "Caesar" over this financial ruin that seems to be staring many in the face and has brought countless others to their knees. To their knees? In despair, but not in prayer, I fear. Is there a national outcry over the injustices done to children, filling the news every minute? Or, over nudity and promiscuity on TV and in the movies, over the filthy language, over stupid TV sitcom's that make everything funny, from single parenting, homosexuality, ignorance, and sexual immorality! The more it's presented as funny, the more acceptable it becomes. This free nation has accepted much that puts us in bondage, not enhancing our freedoms. We don't dare stand against what is blatantly sin, as we are then perceived as bigoted, racist, near-signted, selfish, hypocrits, and more. The Bible is filled with prophecy about this very thing. It's not a surprise to God, nor to the believer who knows His Word. Yet it is tragic, and a scripture in 2 Chronicles 7:14 says: "...and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." This will cause the majority of people, I fear, to scoff. God has somehow become old-fashioned, out-of-touch, no longer considered or feared. The book of Daniel says that many will go "here and there". Man will always seek, and yet the only one to seek and find that will change anything, is God.

How well have you done in depending on yourself, or your money, your friends, the stars, the palm readers, or as it says in Deut. 18:9-13, "When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not imitate the detestable customs of those nations. No one among you is to make his son or daughter pass through the fire, practice divination, tell fortunes, interpret omens, practice sorcery, cast spells, consult a medium or a familiar spirit, or inquire of the dead. Everyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and the Lord your God is driving out the nations before you because of these detestable things. You must be blameless before the Lord your God. Though these nations you are about to drive out listen to fortune-tellers and diviners, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do this."

This tells me that although we permit others of different beliefs to enter our nation, their practices must not "blend" or become "part of" us! When I travelled to *China, I cannot imagine that I could tell them to get rid of their culture, their gods, their beliefs, in order to accommodate and not show prejudice to me. I was allowed to go into a church and worship if I chose, but not to be "in their face". Our Christian missionaries take the truth to many corners of the earth, but do not demand they be heard and treated in a special manner.

Why is it that as a free nation, freedom is interpreted as accepting nearly everything? There are still laws against certain actions: murder, rape, incest, pornography, theft and so on. However, other things have, over time, become very permissable.

As I watch and understand what is happening to our nation, it's futile to cry out to "Caesar" to fix it, because "Caesar" is not crying out to the only One who can fix it...God! If they continue to accommodate everyone, to make them "feel" accepted, where is the pillar of what we stand for? What is the backbone of our nation now? That is very unclear to me. We are not so angry with the low morals, but very angry over the loss of money.

God will destroy nations that do now honor Him, that do not bow down before Him. Yet He knows that people will always be rebellious, so the New Testament cautions believers on what to do...remain steadfast, don't flinch or budge! Search for these scriptures in your Bible and understand them!

There is a "new" movement underway. Actually, nothing is new, as history shows quite clearly. New ways have always been sought, but have never proved to work. So this so-called new movement, The Emergant Church, is becoming quite popular with a larger following daily. I dislike to capitalize the words emergant and church, because the true definition of church is those who follow Christ. The emergant church does not. It allows most anything that would make you comfortable, and "up-date God". Such as, mysticism, weird kinds of prayer, yoga, and "walking the maze known as the labyrinth"...trying to draw closer to God. There can be altered states of mind and it no longer accepts the Bible as authority. Certain media are even calling them "evangelicals". The teachings of those involved, and there are many invading Christian churches, are NOT biblical and we should be very alarmed and on the alert.

We need to be sure that we don't stop our meeting together, that we fellowship, pray, encourage and love one another, while showing and speaking the truth to others that are lost. God is life, all else is death and destruction. For many, it will someday be too late, and that breaks my heart. Even now, some who may read this are scoffing and mocking, shaking their heads at what an idiot I am. They are not crying for me as being deceived, shaking their heads in sorrow for me. I cry for them as being deceived and shake my head in sorrow for them. See the difference? One is darkness, full of self; one is light, full of love.

So pray, reach out to the unsaved and be ready to support, teach and encourage whomever listens. You are a missionary everytime you leave your house...while driving, shopping, walking through stores, attending events and so on. You are a missionary in your home, to your spouse and your children. This is a 24/7 way of life. Don't grow weary!

Pray for our government and leaders. Do not fall prey to those with an agenda that mock and sneer and tell lies about those in leadership. Seek the truth for yourself by not trusting emails and sites with their human agendas. Much is not to like at this time and to be heartsick over, such as abortion. Abortion has been practiced since early times, but as a nation under God, that should change, don't you think? People march, write their congressmen, but only God has the power to change hearts and God listens to His people who pray! Be careful who you elect to high office and encourage them to stand for what is right in all areas of governing the people. We are in quite a confusing mess as a nation, and as a world. Maranatha!

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