Good Morning! A bit of a "gloomy" day for some of you, weather-wise, but not for me! I never mind the gray skies, rain, snow, thunder storms or fog. When we lived at the coast, I would often take my chiildren to the beach during a storm, park and watch the huge, crashing waves hitting the mini-mountain entertaining... and I would ooh and ahh and the kids would squirm and ask when we could go home! Haven't seen the ocean for 3 years now, and must admit I do tear up a bit when I think of it.
So, I spoke of differences among Christian churches and do Christians still sin? There are differences, certainly. However, the main thing is making sure the main thing is the main thing. That is...who is God, who is Jesus, who is the Holy Spirit and how are we saved?
WHO IS GOD? I believe God's written Word...the Bible. God and time have no beginning and no end...yet His word opens with "In the beginning...". Thank you for that, God! It gives this mere human a starting point...your creation...something I can relate to. How could I possibly relate to forever! My mind can't wrap around that. When I sit here trying to write about who you are, I found that for a few minutes I sat nearly frozen, mind unable to fathom the depths of You, no words forming, just a whirlwind of thoughts too full and quick to even grasp. I need to slowly breathe in and out (thanking you for the air I breathe and the ability to breathe it!). There are moments when my spirit and your Spirit share dancing on a slender point of a mountaintop, no fear of falling. We soar through your clouds in perfect harmony, no breathing, no sense of time and the most tiny glimpse of You and what awaits all believers forever...a sense of completeness, all the fragmented pieces of me coming together in slow motion and being made whole. Yet inevitably, my flesh attracts that little speck of dirt that constantly floats around, and I know once again the "sin that so easily entangles me". I have only fooled myself that at last I'm free from it! The beautiful cloud dissipates, my feet slip and I roll end over end down that mountain. I'm baaaaaaaack! Yet somehow, the better for the experience. When a Christian is in your Word, when we think only on what is good and true, when we fellowship, pray and listen, those are our mountaintops. When we serve You, the strength you impart is the mountaintop. When we forgive others and ourselves, we are so free! We become stronger for the next time we are attacked, tired, broken-down and broken-hearted, suffering physically, serving, forgiving, comforting others and sharing their burdens and endless list that would never be complete. The God of the Holy Bible IS. He is my Creator who gave me a Gift and who loves me so much and I have never believed that I deserved it because of who I am, or that I have ever done anything to earn it. I receive it only because of who He is! The best way I can explain it children were loved from the moment I knew they were alive in me, and that love never wavered no matter what. They didn't have to do a thing!
WHO IS JESUS? In the above paragraph, I said, "...from the moment I knew they were alive in me...". We are alive IN Christ. God always loves, but until we are alive IN Christ, we can't be "born again"! We are IN Christ, and assured we will be born again and LIVE in heaven! JESUS IS THE GIFT! It's your choice to accept, and live, or to choose to reject the Gift and die! Pretty simple. He paid for it by suffering and dying in our place and then rose victoriously, appearing to many, and ascended into heaven with the promise to return again. Jesus restored us to God. Jesus is God. He said, "if you have seen me, you have seen the Father". Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament many, many times, including his death and what would take place on the cross. Even seen in a little verse like Numbers 9:12: "They may not leave any of it until morning or break any of its bones...." (speaking of a lamb to be sacrificed celebrating the Passover). Jesus is also known as the Lamb of God. In Matthew 19:33, it says, "When they (the soldiers) came to Jesus, they did not break His legs since they saw that He was already dead." Also, read Psalm 34:20.
WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? The Holy Spirit is also God. The Holy Spirit indwells a believer the moment they accept and are IN Christ! The Holy Spirit prays for me when I don't know what to say because of confusion, pain and other things I can't fully express in my human words. The Spirit was with God and Jesus in the "beginning". The Holy Spirit is hard at work while indwelling believers and while convicting unbelievers who will listen.
The Bible is very clear that the ONLY WAY to heaven is through JESUS! It is very definite that the Holy Bible describes who God is, what He did and how to get to His heaven. If you don't agree, which you are free to not agree, and your mind has determined that this way is too narrow for your thinking, be very careful that your way is based on fact that you can be assured of. There will be no second chance. In closing, don't argue with me, as these truths are not made up by me, but were written a long time ago. Argue with God. That is an argument where there won't be any compromise.
I would have to "cut and paste" the entire Bible here, but guess what? You can read all about it for yourself.
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